Inspelning vid Jacobs hus

NewMoonMovie har fått rapporter om att inspelningen nu pågår vid Jacobs hus. Men säkerheten är så oerhört hög så inga bilder kunde tas.

"I went by Jake's house last night to see if I could get a few pics of Bella's truck for my collection and they were full on filming there! I got to see Taylor and Kristen standing in black rain jackets being talked to a few of the set guys and the guy who plays Billy Black (Birmingham?) walking around in a white, blue and black polar fleece with his signature hat. I couldent snap any pics because the set was guarded by POLICE!!! They blocked off all of [redacted] and part of [redacted] in [redacted] for this but seeing that the set is on the corner of the cross streets I was able to slow down to look."


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