Peters Twittervad

Som ni redan vet vann Peter Facinelli twittervadet. Hans kompis, Rob DeFranco, skulle då springa nerför Hollywood Boulevard iklädd bikini, sjungades på Beyonces "single ladies". Här är resultatet:

Sååå, vad tycker ni nu då? ;D

Förresten tycker jag att det är jättetråkigt när ni inte kommenterar..

Facinelli skrev autografer i 16 timmar

Åh. Är han inte underbar?

"Actor Peter Facinelli, currently featured in the blockbuster movie “Twilight,” was busy boosting the morale of Soldiers and their Families at the Ft. Lewis Post Exchange this weekend. In fact, if Facinelli were employed by the Army & Air Force Exchange Service, he probably would be due some overtime pay as he cheerfully hosted more than 5,000 fans during a marathon autograph session that stretched from Saturday to early Sunday morning.

“I think he might be taking home the store’s employee of the month award for March,” said the Ft. Lewis PX’s General Manager Pat McGhee. “He started meeting fans at 9:30 a.m. Saturday and didn’t stop until early Sunday morning. I’ve never seen anything like it. Peter not only signed ‘Twilight’ Blu-Rays and DVDs, memorabilia and personal affects, but literally took pictures with anyone who asked.”

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Peter Facinelli pratar om New Moon

På Costume Designers Guild Awards igår intervjuades Peter av access, där säger han att repetitionerna börjar om tre veckor och filma börjar dom göra i mars. Datumet 23 mars som vi tidigare har hört kanske är datumet för när repetitionerna börjar..

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Chelsea Lately: Peter Facinelli & Jennie Garth

I fredags var Peter Facinelli tillsammans med sin fru Jennie Garth på TV-programmet Chelsea Lately. Dom är ett väldigt fint par om ni frågar mig, sjukt söta ;D Facinelli har grym humor också, haha.

Peter Facinelli is really just a soccer-dad

En söt liten artikel/intervju om att Peter Facinelli mer är en hemmapappa som stannar hemma med familjen än går på galapremiärer, från PopEater.

If 'Twilight' actor Peter Facinelli had to choose between attending an exclusive premiere or staying at home with his wife Jennie Garth and their three daughters, he'd pick the latter.

"I am not a big, 'Look at me' person, so I don't go to a lot of premieres. I am more of a family guy who stays at home with my kids. I'm more known as being the soccer dad," Facinelli exclusively told Popeater.

Family life is important for both Facinelli and Garth, who met in 1995 while filming the TV movie 'An Unfinished Affair' and married in 2001. The couple has three daughters together: Luca Bella (11), Lola Ray (6) and Fiona Eve (2).

Hela artikeln + bilder här.

Facinelli is Pro-Fanning in New Moon

Intervju/artikel med Peter Facinelli från PopEater där han pratar om New Moon och Dakota Fanning.

'Even though actor Peter Facinelli, who plays Dr. Carlisle Cullen in ‘Twilight,' admits he hasn't been keeping up with all the ‘New Moon' rumors, he is excited to hear that Dakota Fanning might be joining the cast as vampire Jane. "She is a phenomenal actress... [The role of Jane] would be great for her," Facinelli exclusively told PopEater.

"I always think of her as this 12-year-old girl, but she is older now. What is she like 16 now?" he joked.

Fanning, who turns 15 in February, is in talks to play bloodsucker Jane opposite Robert Pattinson in ‘New Moon.' The character of Jane is described in casting docs as a terrifying petite blond with a "Botticelli angel-like face... [and] crimson irises.

According to reports, there were no auditions and the part was just handed to Fanning. Facinelli believes she will make a great addition to the cast and bring something new to the movie. "I have been very fortunate to work with great people. The ['Twilight'] cast is really great. We are like a family," Facinelli said. "[During filming] I took on the father figure role, and they were all my kids. I love all of them," he added.'

Här finns det också fem nya bilder på honom!

Peter Facinelli

Den otroligt snygga 36 åringen Peter Facinelli har rollen som Carlisle Cullen, den minst lika snygga vampyr"pappan". Han har under sitt liv varit med i 25 filmer/serier. Den rollen han är mest känd för är i serien Fastlane. Tillsammans med sin fru Jennie Garth (Beverly Hills 90210) har han tre döttrar.

Även han kommer vara med i New Moon!

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