Rob i GQ

Shit, vilken lång dag. Jag är helt slut.. Har inte kunnat uppdatera på hela dagen så det kommer lite sent men det är värt väntan, jag lovar ;)

En manlig tidning vid namn GQ kommer ha ingen mindre än våran favorit-Rob på framsidan i nästa nummer. Det är också en artikel som du kan läsa redan nu och underbara bilder av Nathaniel Goldberg!

"a few days after we meet Robert Pattinson for the first time, we will call up his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart, who will say this about him:

"He can't lie," she says. "It makes things a little scary for him sometimes. But it's my favorite thing about him."

Funny-by then, it would be our favorite thing about him, too. We spend a Tuesday afternoon with Pattinson, in a little bakery-café on Doheny Drive, in West Hollywood, and the whole time, he seems to be telling the truth compulsively, heedlessly, helplessly, as if he'd been shot with a sodium pentothal dart while parking his car.

Pattinson's other problem-he admits this early on-is that he can't abide a conversational lull.

"I just say the first thing that comes into my head," he said, "out of nervousness. During interviews I'm literally shitting my pants. I don't want there to be a silence, because I'll start crying."

Hela kan du läsa här.


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