Intervjuer och artiklar
En vääldigt lång intervju med Kellan, Rachelle och Edi här!

Taylor tycker att alla ska se New Moon minst en gång mer än Twilight på bio! Jag ska alltså gå sex gånger.. Hm. Jaja, jag klagar inte ;) läs den här.
Liten artikel om Twilight här.
Artikel/intervju med Kristen från MTV, i samband med videointervjun jag la upp tidigare. Läs den här.

Robert Pattinson kanske spelar in ett album
Jag bryr mig inte om folk köper det eller inte, jag skulle bara vilja ha det för mig själv så att jag kan jobba med bra musiker och så.
Alla mina vänner är musiker i London. De är väldigt talangfulla. Min bästa vän skrev en av låtarna till soundtracket tillsammans med en annan av mina vänner. "
Brandon Michael Vayda som Jared i New Moon?
OK! Magazine har en artikel där dom skriver "Sju hemligheter om New Moon"
#1: No Narnia in New Moon: Despite speculation that British actor Ben Barnes, last seen as Prince Caspian in the Narnia movies, would play Aro, the sinister leader of the vampire world, his L.A.-based agent, Nick Reed, sets the record straight: "Although Ben has enjoyed much of the speculation, we haven't had any calls. There's no truth to it."
#2: Bella's Boy On Set: Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan, will crush the rumors of romance with Robert Pattinson by keeping four-year-love Michael Angarano close. "Her boyfriend will come to visit her on set," an insider tells OK!.
#3: The Best is Still Unwritten: With filming just weeks away, the cast (with many roles still undecided) haven't seen their lines! "I am waiting to get my hands on the script. I am looking forward to getting to work!" Justin Chon, who played Bella's onetime suitor in Twilight, Eric Yorkie, tells OK!.
#4: 90210 Stars Sign Up: AnnaLynne McCord will sink her teeth into the role of Heidi. Gal pal to Emmett Cullen, aka Kellan Lutz, she says, "I'm so obsessed with vampires!" 90210 actor Brandon Michael Vayda will play Jared the werewolf.
#5: Paramore is Back on Track: Rockers Paramore helped launch the Twilight soundtrack to No. 1 with their single "Decode." Now, sources tell OK! that the group is penning New Moon's title track. Meanwhile, RPattz, who contributed two songs to the first soundtrack, may sit this one out. "I really didn't want it to look like I was trying to cash in," says the modest immortal.
#6: Taylor: From Wuss to Wolf: How did Taylor Lautner pack on 25 pounds of muscle to play Quileute tribe member and werewolf Jacob Black? "A diet high in carbs and protein," Mark Beier, personal training manager for Crunch in Chicago, tells OK!.
#7: Dakota Goes Gothic: The author describes the evil vampire Jane - who inflicts pain on blood-suckers by thought alone - as having a face that would make a Botticelli angel look like a gargoyle." And Dakota Fanning is a shoo-in for the part! The Push star tells OK!, "It would be a fantastic experience."
Rob-artikel, Q&As w. Taylor&Ashley, intervju Sam Bradley, Joan Jett
Hela från här.
-- har Q&As med Taylor och Ashley.
Q: You tested out of high school early and are already taking college classes, but did you get to go to your prom?
A: I did! At my school, juniors and seniors both go to the prom. It was fun. I forget where we had it, it was somewhere in LA [Los Angeles] at some art museum. It was really a lot of fun. It was a long night. I think it finished like 12 or 1 in the morning.
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Q: Did you go to your prom?
A: I didn't go to my own senior prom but I went to the prom of my boyfriend at the time. My high school sweetheart, I went to his senior prom. That was really fun.
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Galgary Sun har en intervju med Sam Bradley som skrev Never Think tillsammans med Rob Pattinson. De pratar om låtskrivandet, hans kommande album, Rob och om att gå på LApremiären av Twilight.
Joan Jett gillar att Kristen ska spela henne i The Runaways..
"Joan Jett is thrilled to hear Twilight star Kristen Stewart will play her in an upcoming biopic - because she thinks the actress has the "right energy" to play the part.
Stewart will play the I Love Rock & Roll hitmaker in new film The Runaways, and the real Jett couldn't be happier."
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Sneak Peek - The Director's Notebook. har tre exklusiva utdrag ur den kommande boken "The directors Notebook" av Catherine Hardwicke. Här kan du se dom.
I några dagar har det ryktats om att Rob och Kristen ska göra något på oscarsgalan som är nu i helgen och det verkar vara bekräftat. Källa.
"Hitflix also says the Twilight stars, Robert Pattinson (Maaaaybe) and Kristen Stewart will be presenters. And of course, Hugh Jackman is hosting. Next Sunday night."
Till sist: Sarah Clarke, som spelar Bellas mamma Renée fyller 37 år idag. Grattis Sarah!
AnnaLynne McCord kunde ha spelat Rosalie i Twilight
AnnaLynne McCord som troligtvis kommer spela Heidi i New Moon avslöjade nyligen för MTV att hon kunde ha spelat Rosalie i Twilight.
Something that few Twilighters realize, however, is that the vampire-loving actress nearly played Nikki Reed's part in the original film. "They wanted me to play Rosalie," she recalled. "I met with the producers when ‘Twilight' was casting, the original. I was on ‘Nip/Tuck' at the time. And they were like, ‘We'd love to have you in this little film we're doing called ‘Twilight,' but the family only has small roles.' They were like, ‘It shoots in Oregon, so you probably couldn't do it anyway.' And I was like, ‘If it shot [in L.A.] that would be cool."
"Then this little film ‘Twilight' blows up, crazy," she laughed, enjoying her seemingly predestined participation in the franchise. "So, I came back in for a [recent 'New Moon'] meeting and was like, ‘Hey, remember me? I supported you way back when!' I'm like, ‘Let's do this!'"
Rob och Kristen gillar samma musik.
Här är en, från myparkmag :
Robert Pattinson had an amazing impact on Kristen Stewart during the filming of Twilight.
Everyone knows that the two are really, really close friends and Kristen has just admitted that she has started copying Rob.
When she was asked by Empire who her favourite band were she said: "That's so hard man, so defining, you know your favourite...
"I'm going to steal Rob's, we all listened to the same music when we were doing the movie and he's obsessed with Van Morrison.
"He's like, he lives for that man and like so subsequently I'm caught up in that as well."
We think it's really cute that Kristen has started to like the same music as Rob.
It's a real shame he only appears in a few scenes in New Moon.
Jonas Brothers vill vara med på New Moon-soundtracket
If there's one man out there who can get a group of women to shriek as loud as the Jonas Brothers can, it's Robert Pattinson. If there's one film that could draw in a fanbase as rabid as "Twilight," it might be this month's "Jonas Brothers: The 3-D Concert Experience."
Now, the JoBros are hoping to join the two red-hot franchises together.
"The movie was obviously a huge success, and if they asked us to be a part of [the sequel], that would be great," Nick Jonas said when we caught up with him and his brothers Monday, revealing that the trio are fans of Stephenie Meyer's vampire franchise and would be willing to write a song for the "New Moon" soundtrack. "It would be really cool."
"That would be really cool," agreed Joe and Kevin.
In November, the "Twilight" soundtrack opened in the top slot of the Billboard albums chart and continued its strong sales throughout the film's box-office run. Staying true to Meyer's close relationship with music - and director Catherine Hardwicke's love for mixing her images with disparate tunes - the soundtrack featured such diverse bands as Paramore Perry Farrell, Linkin Park and Collective Soul.
Next month, Chris Weitz begins filming the sequel and will at some point start making his choices for a "New Moon" album. Whether the Grammy-nominated Jonas Brothers would write a "Twilight"-themed track remains unclear, but this much is certain: Before they can do much more "New Moon" campaigning, the chart-topping trio still need to actually sit down and watch "Twilight."
"I haven't seen it," Joe admitted. "But I have heard it's a great movie."
"We're looking forward to seeing it," Nick added. "We've been a little busy, so it's kinda hard to get the movies, but we'll see it."
"Typically, we'll get the advance DVDs and watch them on plane rides or something," Kevin said of the band's attempts to keep up with Hollywood's latest hits during their busy touring schedule. "So, hopefully, we'll do that."
These days, after selling millions of albums all over the world, the JoBros are charting a course that will allow them to make their mark on the big screen. This month's 3-D concert flick will mark their movie debut, followed by the Farrelly Brothers' "Walter the Farting Dog." The JoBros are quite aware that a "Twilight" song could endear them to a huge movie audience and insist that, despite the claims of some haters (like Stephen King), the tale of Edward and Bella isn't only for girls.
"For a lot of guys, they want superpowers," Joe said of the appeal of Edward Cullen. "He's a vampire, but he's pretty strong and stuff."
Edward and his Cullen family are so popular, in fact, that "Twilight" recently proved its power as a franchise by distracting screaming teens long enough for the JoBros to grab a pizza.
"I think this is really funny," Kevin remembered of the first time the trio realized how huge "Twilight" was. "We were in town [the day of the 'Twilight' premiere], because we were working all day on our TV show.
"We weren't able to make it to the premiere. We were invited, but we couldn't make it," Kevin continued. "That night, we were starving coming home from work. And we wanted to get pizza."
While thousands of Twilighters screamed their heads off, unaware, the rock sensations snuck into a restaurant across the street and had a rare, peaceful meal. "The pizza place that we ordered from just happened to be across the street from the premiere," Kevin laughed. "And so, we come up driving, and didn't realize that it was the 'Twilight' premiere. It was one of those comical moments that was really funny for us."
Jag är inget JB-fan, tycker deras musik är lite för poppig och disneyaktig, så jag skulle inte direkt skrika av lycka om någon åt med dem kom med.. Men jag har absolut inget emot de som gillar dem.
Vad skulle du tycka om en JB-låt på New Moon-sountracket? =)
"Fem anledningar till varför Jakob är bättre för Bella än Edward..."
1. He's tall, dark and handsome. Unlike Edward Cullen, his complexion isn't the same color as "Plaster of Paris."
2. Jacob has Bella's best interest at heart. Bella and Jacob have known each other since they were small children, so he cares more about her than Edward does.
3. Edward's family is still a bunch of vampires. If you think it's hard to be a human vegetarian, imagine how difficult it is to be a vegetarian vampire. The very scent of blood could be enough to turn Bella into a dinner feast - in fact, Edward had a difficult time pulling away when he had to remove James' venom in Twilight, so she should be concerned about being turned into eats.
4. Edward is always trying to pull away. Let's face it. Relationships can be a real pain in the butt, especially if the object of your affection is always trying to push you away. Bella deserves more than just a broken heart.
5. Werewolves are cooler. They have better eyesight, hearing and can run freely all day long. Since vampires never sleep being in a relationship with them gets tiresome. A girl needs her ‘beauty rest' after all.
Massor med artiklar
Artiklar om Robert Pattinson:
Nikki Reed om Rob Pattinson.
Robert Pattinson: a fashionable fellow
Rob battlar med Kellan
Rob om reality-TV
Robert Pattinson tråkar ut sina stalkers..
Rob Pattinson: Making room in New Moon
Rob är besatt av Edward
Pattinson försov sig till en photoshoot!
Rob behöver livvakter
Solomon Trimble och Krys Embry har inte blivit kontaktade angående New Moon.
'Slumdog' Star Dev Patel Joins Jackson Rathbone For ‘The Last Airbender'
nytt nytt nytt!
Förlåt att jag inte uppdaterade igår som jag lovade.. Kom hem, gick till skolan, var hemma en halv timme, åkte och tränade och sen formaterade vi om hela datorn och allting så jag hade inte tillgång till den på kvällen. Men nu har jag tid så nu ska jag uppdatera med en massa nyheter.
Först: Ryktet om att Lucas Grabeel ska spela Alec stämmer inte! Det berättade han i en intervju med popstar.
Här kan du läsa en intervju och se fantastiska bilder med och på Christian Serratos som spelar Angela Weber.
Intervju och photoshoot med Billy Burke, som spelar Charlie Swan.
Lite söt bild på Kellan och hans motspelare i 90210 AnnaLynne McCord, som har provspelat som Heidi i New Moon, på the playboy mansion.

Bilder på Rob på en Vogue-middag i London.
.. och bilder på Rob ute i London i lördags kväll.
Intresserad av Cullen-huset? Här har du en intervju med arkitekter och en hög med nya bilder.
Finns iallafall som vanligt en hel del nya artiklar. Inspelningen i italien börjar i maj
"Twilight" sequel "New Moon" has landed its first overseas sale, to Italy, where the Chris Weitz-helmed vampire romancer is partly set.
Eagle Pictures, which released "Twilight" locally, announced on Tuesday that it has reupped with Summit Entertainment for the sequel, which will shoot in the ancient Tuscan city of Volterra for two weeks in May.
Hela här.
___________ Rob shockar Hollywood
Robert Pattinson has ruffled the feathers of fellow stars Zac Efron and Justin Timberlake - after landing the starring role in upcoming movie Ohio.
The British actor made his name playing Edward Cullen in the film adaptation of Twilight, based on the novel by Stephenie Meyer, and Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
He is due to play Spanish artist Salvador Dalí in upcoming film Little Ashes.
And the big roles Pattinson is getting - specifically the lead in Ohio, based on the 1970 shooting of anti-war protesters at Kent State University - has sent shock waves through Hollywood.
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_________ Kristen och Rob's kemi
We all want to see Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson step out in real life.
Everyone can see that they have a special bond and would look great together.
Kristen recently told Tu magazine: "The chemistry between artists is difficult to define.
"But in my case when I looked at Robert it was like I could look into his heart, and he could do the same, and that was very important.
"That's how I would describe the chemistry between us."
When Rob was asked if he thought great chemistry could be created he replied: "You can create it, in a way. But since the beginning of this project something happened with Kristen and she made me feel so good.
"On the other hand, if you stay in character for too long the good chemistry will just disappear."
Access Hollywood: Stephen King: 'Meyer kan inte skriva'
är Stephen King blev intervjuade nyligen sa han att Sephenie inte kan skriva.
"According to Stephen, "Both Rowling and Meyer, they're speaking directly to young people... The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good."
Och sedan sa han detta om "varför folk tycker om Twilight"
"People are attracted by the stories, by the pace and in the case of Stephenie Meyer, it's very clear that she's writing to a whole generation of girls and opening up kind of a safe joining of love and sex in those books. It's exciting and it's thrilling and it's not particularly threatening because it's not overtly sexual."
He further explains, "A lot of the physical side of it is conveyed in things like the vampire will touch her forearm or run a hand over skin, and she just flushes all hot and cold. And for girls, that's a shorthand for all the feelings that they're not ready to deal with yet."
______________ Little Ashes förändrade Rob's liv
"Last year, when I played Salvador Dali. The whole crew was Spanish. I can't speak Spanish so I obsessed over the part.
"I came to a completely different realization about how deep you can go into a character and how you can research a character. It was the first time I've been satisfied from a job.
"I wanted to bring that to every job afterward."
You Magazine frågade vad Rob's passion är..
It is not football or beer that floats his boat.
Rob told the magazine: "I like being able to fully commit to something.
"I have very little outside of my job.
"So when I do get a job, I like being able to just completely immerse myself in it and abandon the fact that I don't really have any other interests.
"It gives me a chance to create a life to live so I guess that's why I like it."
Artikel från myparkmag
Kommer Twilight bli en Lionsgate film?
"Lionsgate and Summit Entertainment are in talks to merge their two companies, according to two people familiar with the negotiations. The plan, if the deal goes through, is for Lionsgate to buy Summit's library of six films and the rights to the "Twilight" franchise. Early talks last year involved the merger of only the domestic divisions, under the terms of the reported deal. Executives at Lionsgate and Summit declined to comment for this story. But one Lionsgate executive, who declined to speak for attribution, said: "At this time there are no new conversations." Rumors of a proposed merger have abounded for months, and other executives familiar with the terms said the deal made sense. But Lionsgate just paid $255 million to buy the TV Guide Network and, in a surprise move. So another high-ticket cash deal might be a stretch for the company. For Summit, the deal would bring a cash payout after nearly two years of operation, with success coming only recently in the "Twilight" phenomenon, which followed a string of heavily-marketed failures."
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It could mean, in short, that New Moon will be a little bit bloodier than anticipated. Or certainly the Twlight film after that. Is there any filmmaking/distribution outfit with a more pronounced reputation for being deeply in love with arterial gushings? That's Lionsgate in a nutshell.
So declares Jeff Wells at Hollywood Elsewhere, in response to Sharon Waxman's report (for which "executives at Lionsgate and Summit declined to comment") that Lionsgate (home of the Saw, Hostel and Tyler Perry franchises) may be buying Summit Entertainment, including the company's library and slate, which includes teenage necrophilia phenom franchise Twilight.
But of course, Wells' "nutshell" definition of Lionsgate is out of date. It's an open secret that Lionsgate is so desperate to distance itself from its bloody past that the distributor has spent the past year engineering the failure of its remaining genre stock - dumping Midnight Meat Train in rural dollar theaters; taking the ultra-cinematic The Burrowers off its theatrical release schedule entirely; killing Cabin Fever as a theatrical franchise by releasing its Ti West-directed sequel straight to DVD. If anything, in Lionsgate's hands, the Twilight sequels are likely to go even more tame.
Detta kom härifrån.
Nya artiklar
Are people still obsessing over Robert Pattinson's locks?!
It's true! Rob mowed off his mop back in December and at last night's premiere of "Push," R. Pat's "Twilight" co-star Rachelle LeFevre said she still can get over the hair loss! "What I'm wondering is what he's going to do now because he runs his fingers through it all the time," she said. "What's he going do with his hands?!"
"Rob Pattinson: jag är inte så intressant
Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson is the object of obsession for millions of young fans around the globe, but the modest actor doesn't understand all the hype.
"Honestly, I'm not that interesting," says Rob, 22. In his spare time, he prefers low-key activities to going out. "I watch movies, I read, I play all kinds of music."
Pattinson, who plays the guitar and piano and composes music, has been relaxing in his hometown of London since Dec. 22, where he has been spotted playing small gigs on the local music scene."
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"Jacksone Rathbone i Criminal Minds
Someone better make room on the crowded Twilight bandwagon, 'cause Criminal Minds is jumping on.
The CBS procedural has tapped Jackson Rathbone - a.k.a. Twilight vamp Jasper Hale - to guest star in an upcoming episode directed by Seinfeld's Jason Alexander.
Rathbone will play a college student on spring break who may or may not be the target of a serial killer.
His episode is slated to air in April."
Alice's gula porsche kommer vara med i New Moon!
Good news for Twi-hards; judging by the tips "Twilight" stars Ashley Greene and Kellen Lutz shared with Access Hollywood about "New Moon" on Thursday night, it sounds like the second installment in the series will remain faithful to Stephenie Meyer's book.
"I can tell you there's a yellow Porsche," Greene revealed at the premiere of Dakota Fanning's "Push," confirming that the vehicle, which plays a special role in the "New Moon" book, will be in the movie.
"I can tell you there's werewolves," she added coyly. "I think (the details of ‘New Moon' script are) kind of highly under wraps."
"New Moon's five most anticipated scenes"
ReelzChannel har frågat fem olika Twilight-fansidor vilka scener från boken de helst vill se i New Moon.
Läs artikeln här!
Breakout Stars of 2009
Cam Gigandet
Some teen-TV fans may remember Cam as the guest character on The O.C. responsible for killing off Mischa Barton, but he’s going to be known for much more than Marissa-cide after this year. Cam has a whopping seven movies in production for 2009—and those are just the ones that have been officially announced. After his breakout role as a pale vampire in last fall’s Twilight, Cam will appear in Pandorum (a thriller about a spaceship with Dennis Quaid), Five Star Day (a coming of age story with Jena Malone), and Kid Cannabis (the true story of a 19-year-old millionaire pot dealer), among others.
Taylor Lautner
After originating the role of Jacob Black in the original crazy successful teen-vampires-stare-and-brood Twilight, there was talk Taylor Lautner wouldn’t be cast in the sequel. Fortunately, the director was convinced and Lautner is bulking up to play the older role in the follow-up New Moon, which will be rushed into theaters this November. Robert Pattinson, watch your back. Teen girls, get your screaming pipes ready.
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Chris Weitz pratar om New Moon
" The backdrop of the Twilight books might be a gothic fantasy, but the filmmaker sees his characters as expressions of emotional attitudes shared by young people. “One of the great things of Stephenie Meyer’s novels is that she keeps them very grounded in the real world,” Weitz says.
“The vampires are about distance and reserve,” he says about the contrast between his male leads. “Edward represses his desire to do harm. Jacob is very warm and emotional, but also feels the heat of anger. When he transforms, it’s like losing your temper — sudden, explosive and lightning-quick.”
Where Bella is concerned, he adds, “Edward represents the unattainable perfection of first love. Jacob is friendship.“
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