Grattis Nikki!
Idag är det ingen vanlig dag för idag är det Nikkis födelsedag lalalaaa.. Haha. Fantastiskt vackra Nikki Reed (Roaslie) fyller 21 år idag. Grattis Nikki! =)
När jag ändå skriver om henne.. Den 14 maj var det ett releaseparty för T-Mobile Sidekick XL. Nikki var där, MTV och Access Hollywood pratade lite med henne;
Och klicka här för att se intervjun med Access Hollywood.
Ett litet PS för Harry Potter-fans.. Jamie Campbell Bower, som spelar Caius, kommer spela den unga Gellert Grindelwald i den sista Harry Potter filmen Harry Potter och dödsrelikerna!
MTV: Nikki om New Moon
"Reed's early discussions with Weitz have focused mainly on Rosalie's hair, as well as the evolving look of the whole Cullen family. But keeping in line with Stewart's recent revelation that the "New Moon" cliff-dive will be CGI, she said the new director seems determined to take the look of "Twilight" to a new level.
"Chris is great, and he's got a different approach to this film," she revealed. "I think there's a progression with the special effects and stuff, with Jacob being introduced as a werewolf. I think everyone is walking into this knowing there is going to be a more heightened level of effects."
But if you're afraid that "New Moon" might lose some of the human element, don't worry. Reed was quick to remind us that her character's tumultuous relationship with Bella remains unchanged.
"Obviously, Rosalie hates her in ['New Moon']," Reed smiled. "Hopefully, we don't laugh too much while we are making it.""
Läs hela här. Från newmoonmovie.
MTV: Nikki Reed
Tillhörande artikel..
Later this year, the stars of "Twilight" will return in the highly anticipated sequel "New Moon." But first, they'll be undergoing an extreme makeover.
"I think we are just perfecting it," Nikki Reed explained when she stopped by the MTV studio recently, revealing the conversations she's had with new franchise director Chris Weitz. "I think it will be a little bit different, and we'll perfect it for the best."
It's no secret that the team on the original "Twilight" struggled mightily - and occasionally found their efforts enraging fans - as they attempted to perfect the hairstyles of the Cullen clan. Now, with a new director and bigger budget, Reed revealed that Weitz is determined to get things right.
Nikki Reed
Förutom "tretton" har hon varit med i bland annat "Lords of Dogtown", "the OC", "Justice" och "Reaper".
2008 spelade hon in tre filmer som nu håller på att "efterbehandlas"; "Chain Letter", "Privileged" och "Last Day of Summer"
I mars börjar inspelningen till New Moon som hon också ska vara med i!