The Meadow?

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Just nu snurrar det (som vanligt) omkring lite rykten.. Denna gången handlar det om vem som ska regissera Eclipse. Enligt vissa källor ska Drew Barrymore regissera och enligt andra källor ska Chris Weitz bror regissera. Men just nu finns det ingen som vet säkert så vi får som vanligt veta och se :)
Rykte: Madonna med i New Moon?!
Ett av dom senaste ryktena är att Madonna på något sätt ska vara med i New Moon.. Det är okänt om hon ska skådespela, sjunga på soundtracket eller kanske båda..
"According to Ryan on E! News, Madonna will be involved in the sequel to "Twilight" which the second movie will be made on the second book of the "Twilight Saga", "New Moon". Guy Oseary is the executive producer to the movie starring Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart.
It is unknown to whether Madonna will either act in the second installment to the saga film or sing for the soundtrack or both.
Gaycrest also said it's most likely she'll both appear in the film and do the soundtrack."
Update: Summit Entertainment are said to have no plan in casting Madonna in 'New Moon', but the 'Miles Away' songstress might contribute to the soundtrack.
Mer här.
Rob i Little Ashes + Hilary Duff vill vara med i NM,
Enligt denna artikel är Hilary Duff desperat efter en roll i New Moon.. Men detsamma gäller här som ryktet om Solomon, ta det med en nypa salt.
"The latest star to get on the Twilight waitlist is Hilary Duff. The actress was heard backstage at Mercedes Benz Fashion week talking to Twilight star Peter Facinelli about how badly she wants the role.
A source tells Hollyscoop exclusively, "Hilary told Peter how bad she wants to be in the next Twilight movie. Hilary said that she would want to be one of the vampires in the movie."
Solomon Trimble ute ur New Moon?
För några dagar sedan skrev jag om Baker-tvillingarna som båda har provspelat som Emily. Dom skrev i ett email till ett fan:
" ShaunaMissMae: ... A couple of my
friends were casted as ‘Paul' and ‘Sam'.
I'm sooo excited for them.
Hopefully one of us get's ‘Emily'."
Om detta stämmer kanske inte Solomon är med i New Moon eftersom han spelade Sam. Men som sagt, ta det med en nypa salt, vi kan inte veta om det stämmer helt.
Rollrykten inför New Moon
Enligt den här bloggen har Baker-tvillingarna Shannon&Shauna provspelat som Emily..
Och här bekräftar AnnaLynne McCord att hon har provspelat för rollen som Heidi.
"Hollyscoop caught up with AnnaLynne at the "Kiss For A Cause" event in Santa Monica where she confessed she's going to hear back about the role "next week."
"My fingers are crossed though," AnnaLynne told Hollyscoop exclusively. "I'm a fan of the books as are my 14 and 12 year old cousins who are obsessed, they would freak if I got it. And I just want to do a film with a small role during my hiatus and then just have the rest of the time off cause I need a break, I want to go to Europe!"
AnnaLynne McCord som Heidi?
"Another 90210-er may be making a stop in the Twilight zone.
I'm hearing that filmmakers have been considering the idea of casting 90210 star AnnaLynne McCord as Heidi in the upcoming New Moon, the much-anticipated sequel to Twilight.
Heidi isn't a major character in the book, but McCord definitely has the gorgeous looks to pull it off.
The character is a "fisher" who brings humans to the Volturi vampires to eat. She's also known as "bait" because of the way she uses her stunning looks to attract humans. In her brief appearance in the book, Bella describes Heidi as having "exceptional, unforgettable" beauty. She has stunning legs, long hair and violet eyes.
Sources tell me McCord has auditioned for the role. "It's not a big part," one of the sources said. "Heidi would be more like a cameo."
Summit and Lionsgate "unlikely to Merge"
Reports that Summit -- the studio behind the Twilight movie (pictured) -- and Lionsgate, the makers of the Saw franchise, are discussing a merger have been greatly exaggerated, EW has learned. Following a report yesterday on Sharon Waxman's new website The Wrap, which revealed that the two indie studios are in fact having conversations about a corporate marriage, a source tells EW that those discussions actually occurred before Summit took the $37 million Twilight and turned it into a $340 million worldwide franchise. Now that they've got a real hit on their hands, Summit is going it alone for the time being, with the Dakota Fanning-starrer Push releasing on Friday, and New Moon, the studio's Twilight sequel, scheduled for a Nov. 20 bow.
However, with the economic conditions being as they are, everyone in Hollywood is talking about ways to enhance their business strategically while simultaneously reducing overhead, so it's certainly not out of the question that we'll see some kind of changes taking place at various studios in coming months. We'll just have to wait and see how it all shakes out.
Info från
Rykten om roller
Just Jared Jr. och Twist Magazine har skrivit att Lucy Hale var på audition för rollen som Jane, innan de gav den till Dakota Fanning. Vilket verkar vara bekräftat då hon i flera intervjuer har sagt det.
Det har nu i några dagar snurrat runt rykten om olika killar som "ska vara bra" för rollen som Alec. De som finns med på den "listan" är Tom Felton (Harry Potter), Lucas Grabeel (HSM), Freddie Highmore (Willie Wonka) och Gaspard Ulliel (Hannibal Rising) Observera dock att det inte finns uppgifter på om några av dessa killar ens har tänkt eller pratat om det.
Och så rollen som Emily. Tidigare skrev en artikel om att America Ferrera har provspelat som Emily. Efteråt skrev de såhär:
"UPDATE: An astute reader notes that the America referred to in the original article is actress America Young (Dreamkiller, The Dead Undead), not America Ferrera.
Whoops! But America Ferrera is still pretty great.."
Så det är alltså America Young som har provspelat för rollen som Emily, inte America Ferrera.
Lite Twilight nu också..
Om inte våran kära Robert Pattinson hade fått rollen som Edward skulle det varit Tyler Hoechlin som fått den.
"He was one of the final two being considered for the role of "Edward Cullen" in the film "Twilight", but lost out to Rob Pattinson."

Dakota Fanning pratar om New Moon-ryktet
Dakota Fanning pratar om att hon kanske kommer spela Jane i New Moon.
Hm.. det vill inte fungera att lägga in videos nu. Så klicka här!
America Ferrera som Emily i New Moon?
"Add America Ferrera to the long list of actresses who are supposedly up for a role in the Twilight sequel New Moon.
Following in the footsteps of Vanessa Hudgens and Dakota Fanning, the 24-year-old Ugly Betty actress has reportedly auditioned for the movie. Ferrera tried out for the part of Emily Young, fiancée to Sam Uley and second cousin to Leah Clearwater.
“I got to audition for New Moon today! For the role of Emily,” Crazy Days and Nights quotes the outspoken actress and snappy dresser as saying. “The casting director, you fans of the book will be glad to know, has read the books and loves them. And you can tell. His direction was spot on for the character. I loved the books. I would so love to be in the movie!!!”
Seems like a perfectly reasonable match. After all, Ferrera has had experience interacting with monstrous characters before."

Dakota Fanning som Jane i New Moon?
Artikel från E-online..
"Dakota Fanning...with fangs?
It's possible. I can exclusively report that the 14-year-old child star-she turns 15 on Feb. 23-is in talks to play Jane opposite Robert Pattinson & Co. in New Moon, the upcoming sequel to box office megahit Twilight.
"There were no auditions," a source reveals. "They just offered it to her outright, and now they're in negotiations. They've been going back and forth."
Jane is a member of Italy's Volturi, the most deadly group of bloodsucking killers in author Stephenie Meyer's' best-selling series.
In the casting notice we got our hands on earlier this month, Jane is described as a petite blonde with a "Botticelli angel-like face...[and] crimson irises." While fellow Volturi guards Demetri & Felix "are three times the size of her, they are terrified of her," the casting notice reads.
Coincidentally (or maybe not), an online petition started by a Twilight fan already asks the studio, Summit Entertainment, to cast Fanning because she would be "perfect" for the role.
Early last month, Entertainment Weekly suggested Pushing Daisies star and Broadway diva Kristin Chenoweth. "Her voice is certainly high enough, and at 4'11'', she's also short enough," writer Amy Wilkinson proposed.
Director Chris Weitz is expected to start shooting New Moon in March in the U.S. and Italy. If all goes as planned, the movie will hit theaters on Nov. 20.
Is Fanning right for Jane? We're sure Twilight fans have plenty to say about it."