Halvnaken Kellan Lutz
RAWR! Grymt sexiga Kellan posade för tidningen Flaunt nyligen, och här är resultatet. Det är ju nästan så att man svimmar..
Bildcollage gjort av newmoonmovie.org!
Kellans reaktioner på RPattz (gamla!) modellbilder
En brittisk ungdomstidning vid namn My Bliss intervjuade Kellan för några dagar sedan. Då fick han se gamla bilder på Rob, en video på hans reaktioner finns att se här.
Från TwilightSweden.
Kellan Lutz på Ryan Seacrest + artiklar
Twilight, godis, New Moon, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart.. Klicka här för att höra.

Här är också tre artiklar om Kellan. I alla tre berättar han om varför alla gillar Rob.. Alla har att göra med Ryan Seacrest.
MTV Movie Blog
The Insider
Kellan Lutz
Detta är bilder från en photoshoot för italienska tidningen "MAX". Galet snygga!

Artikel från MTV! Hela här.
"He's got the looks of Matt Damon, the muscles of Jason Statham, and can deliver a line way better than Jean-Claude Van Damme. So, does "Twilight" star Kellan Lutz have what it takes to become Hollywood's next big action hero?
"I've got ‘New Moon' shooting in April, and besides that I'm focusing on the film side of stuff: Reading a lot of scripts and checking out what the next big action movie is," the 24-year-old actor (his birthday is March 15th) revealed to us when he stopped by the MTV studios recently, discussing his upcoming plans. "That's the way I want my career to go."
The timing certainly seems right for the burly, charismatic actor. Between taking down Cam Gigandet in "Twilight," his first lead role in the upcoming sports drama "Warrior," and the increased physicality of Emmett Cullen's role in "Eclipse," Lutz's action star credentials will be on full display during the next year. Aside from Channing Tatum ("G.I. Joe"), it's hard to think of any young action heroes right now - and veterans like Statham, Damon and Will Smith are all circling the big four-oh.
"I want to be James Bond one day, I want to be Jason Borne," Lutz explained of where he'd like his career to go in the years ahead. "I want my own franchise in the action world."
En annan artikel från PopWrap..
"2008 was very good to Kellan Lutz - when I interviewed him last July (read it!) he was promoting his role in the amazing "Generation Kill." Then he landed a prime role in "Twilight," a recurring one on "90210″ and a legion of loyal fans that calls him "underappreciated ‘Twilight' hottie."
Over the weekend, this under-the-radar stud celebrated his 24th birthday in Las Vegas with some friends (Lance Bass!), some cake and a red carpet that proved that while he's segued into acting, this former model still has it.
Working that stretch of fabric like a runway, he posed, pouted and pretty much looked fantastic in a kinda weird scarf/mesh tee thingy that called to mind Venice Beach in 1980.
But that's what models do, right - take terrible clothes and make them look amazing!"
Grattis Kellan!
När jag kommer hem ikväll/i eftermiddag ska jag lägga upp bilder från när han och Edi som fyllde år förra veckan firade sina födelsedagar! =)
MTV: Kellan Lutz
De har också en lååång artikel där han pratar om lite rykten om vilka som ska spela vem i New Moon osv.. Läs den här!
Kellan om relationen med AnnaLynne McCord
Despite their best efforts to play it cool, 90210 stars AnnaLynne McCord and Kellan Lutz are, without a doubt, a couple.
"AnnaLynne was kissing the back of his neck, and they were all over each other," an eyewitness tells E! News of their Valentine's Day behavior at Cain Luxe club. "They are definitely not just friends."
Not surprisingly, when E! News caught up with the pair a few hours earlier at the Monarchy show during New York Fashion Week, they sang an entirely different tune.
"Well, Kellan and I have known each other for a very long time," was pretty much all the former Nip/Tuck starlet had to say on the matter.
"Yeah, my friend," Lutz insisted when we asked the nature of his relationship. But then he went on...and on.
"You know, we're really close and we're all for each other's careers. And we actually bounce a lot of career choices and the like off each other, so it's nice to have someone in the industry who you can really, you know, be honest with versus your agent, versus your manager, the lawyer, who really want to do stuff for the money and for the wrong reasons a lot of times. So it's nice to have friends who are smart and intelligent who know the business side of the business. That's what AnnaLynne is. Therefore we're friends."
Methinks the dude doth protest too much!
Both actors, however, are in total agreement regarding their excitement about the Twilight sequel, New Moon...
While the erstwhile Emmett Cullen simply shared his enthusiasm for being able to hit the gym since his character goes off to college, McCord explained her desires to participate in the Robert Pattinson-fronted film.
The actress recently auditioned for the role of Heidi, a "fisher" vampire and member of the Volturi.
''[The audition] went really well," she said. "We haven't found out yet. I'm just sitting here, crossing the fingers, hoping it'll work out. I really loved meeting with Chris Weitz. He's a darling director, and it would be cool to work on it. Obviously, I'm a fan of Twilight. I'm a huge vampire fan, so that, in general, makes me want to do the film."
But the budding fashionista isn't daunted by the demure size of the part.
"Honestly, for me, I really just want to do something really quick, very easy and be a part of a great film...And then just go to Europe and be abroad and go to sleep for my hiatus before I go back to 90210. So I am more than happy to take the small role and then just take a week or two and go chill."
Perhaps she'll take a certain, bulked-up someone on said European journey?
Collider: Intervju med Kellan
Videointervjuer med Kellan
Reset! Magazine - intervju med Kellan
Nadine från KellanLutzOnline översatte den till engelska!
" I know a lot about Twilight series and the movie but there’s only a small amount of people in Turkey who have been able to read the series since they weren’t translated into Turkish until very recently. So can you talk a little about the movie? What was the reason that made you want to be a part of it?
To be honest, I have always dreamt of playing this kind of role. I grew up loving the idea of being a mysterious vampire, like you’d read in books. My brother snuck the classic Nosferatu into the house when we were young and I was immediately in awe of the creature. So when I was handed Twilight, I read through it, and immediately knew Emmett was perfect for me. I was even more surprised to find out that the book had such a cult following, this truly was meant to be."
För att läsa hela intervjun klicka här.
Kellan Lutz
Kellan Lutz är den 23-åriga skådespelaren som spelar Emmett Cullen. När han var 13 började han modella, men efter high school flyttade han till LA för college och för att påbörja skådespeleri.
Förutom Twilight så har Kellan haft gästroller i några tvserier som "CSI", "Six Feet Under", "Summerland", "Heroes" och så har han rollen som George Evans i en av mina favoritserier "90210". Han har också varit med i "Prom Night" och just nu spelar han in "Warrior" med Ashley Green, ett avsnitt i "CSI" och snart börjar inspelningen av New Moon.