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Robert Pattinson has admitted that his celebrity crush is his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart, and now the actor reveals he struggled to keep their relationship professional while filming the movie.

"Kristen is amazing, and your first impulse is to ask her for her phone number. But then I forced myself to remember that ninety percent of what you do see on screen is acting and make things up," Pattinson tells OK! magazine.

The 22-year-old says he enjoyed the time he spent with Stewart. "I enjoyed the process of creating these characters with her. We would spend all night talking about our scenes and the next day we would defend our points of view. That creative energy made us have a very special bond," he added.

Pattinson and Stewart team up again in the upcoming sequel New Moon, due out in theaters in November.
Ännu en från showbizspy.. Jag håller verkligen med honom om detta!

Robert Pattinson doesn't like the film industry.

The 22-year-old actor - who plays hunky vampire Edward Cullen in the recent Twilight film and its upcoming sequel New Moon (tentative release date of November 20, 2009; and possibly starring Dakota Fanning!) - says he doesn't like the way Hollywood is obsessed with money.

"I don't like the way the film industry is," says Pattinson. "If you come with a good script and then it goes to the studios and gets financing, it all gets changed because they want to make money.

"And it's like, how do you know if it's going to make money or not? All you're doing is making it generic when you do that, and making it generic is no guarantee that it's going to make money, either.

"The only way to [do] that is to take risks.

"And you need to be able to trust people. So you get a company together with people you know are good and you know work hard and you can make good stuff. That's kind of what I want to do."
En till där han pratar om Kristen. Denna gång från
RPattz told M magazine, "I felt an instant chemistry with with Kristen from the moment we met. I don't know if it was because we were working together, but I definitely felt like there was some kind of, I don't know, connection or something like that. I had a huge reaction to her, which I really wasn't expecting to have."

Although some rumors circulated that Robert and Kristen were involved in an off screen romance during the filming and promotion of Twilight, Kristen stayed true to her boyfriend of several years, Michael Arangano - but Robert still has her back.

He continued, "What I love so much about Kristen is that she doesn't back down, she's really a strong person. So it was quite good working on Twilight with her, because I don't like backing down either. The two of us always stood up for each other."

Even before they began filming the movie, Kristen was a good luck charm for Rob. "Before filming, I remember going to the Twilight audition, and I went in having no idea how to play the part at all, and thinking there was no chance of getting it. And then I met Kristen there. And she was so different than what I was expecting, that it kind of shocked me. It was the first time in a long time that I had a good experience at an audition."
Hela här.
"I watch movies, I read, I play all kinds of music," the actor says. Finding peace in playing the guitar and piano, when Pattinson is not working on films, he can be found playing small gigs on the local music scene in London, according to However, since the shooting for the sequel to Twilight, "New Moon," will begin in March, it may prove to be difficult to find time to relax in London.

In addition to a much more hectic shooting schedule, Pattinson is being watched by numerous fans around the world. "I've been getting recognized since the day I finished shooting Twilight," the actor said in the interview. "I've been uncomfortable in crowds my whole life. I've always felt that everyone is looking at me," Pattinson says, revealing that it makes him uneasy to be surrounded by so many people. "I could be in a supermarket and have a full-on panic attack when there's no one else there. And this was even like five years ago, when nobody knew who I was!"
Hela här.
Rob Pattinson vs. Hollywood: the homesick star?

Här har ni också en artikel där Rachelle, Ashley och Sarah Clarke pratar om Rob och hemlängtan.


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