Entertainment Weekly pratade lite med Kellan och Ashley på premiären och de skrev såhär efteråt:
Meanwhile, Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen) told EW.com that much like future werewolf Taylor Lautner, he's been hitting the gym in preparation for the April shoot. "Bring on the wolves," grinned Lutz. "Emmett can take 'em." Lutz also says he's read the New Moon script, and it's "amazing." Fellow Cullen clan member Greene also said she'd just gotten her hands on the script. "I felt like a spy reading it," she said. "It does come very close to the tone and the events that are in book 2. There are a couple of things that were changed which I think make it more interesting for the visual medium but nothing that will upset fans of the books. I think it is safe to say that it will make everyone happy."
Läs hela här.
Här finns det åtta videointervjuer med Kellan, Ashley, Edi och Rachelle.
Colliderintervjuer här.
Stillbilder från Twilight
Everglow har lagt upp två nya stillbilder från filmen. Tror dock inte att jag har lagt upp några alls här förut, så jag gör det också! Några är HQ och några är ganska små.
Kristen i aftonbladet
På aftonbladet.se igår var det en artikel om Kristen och "The Runaways" där hon ska spela Joan Jett.
Kristen Stewart är högaktuell på bioduken i år. Nu ska hon även porträttera Joan Jett i filmen "The Runaways". Foto: AP
Från blodtörstande vampyrer till rock 'n' roll.
I nya filmen "The Runaways" ska "Twilight"-skådespelerskan Kristen Stewart porträttera sångerskan Joan Jett.
Kristen Stewart, 19, ligger inte på latsidan.
Utöver "Twilight"-uppföljaren "New Moon", övar hon nu även för fullt på att spela gitarr.
Stewart ska nämligen porträttera "I Love Rock 'n' Roll"-sångerskan Joan Jett i kommande filmen "The Runaways".
Enligt Femalefirst är det en roll Kristen Stewart fortfarande är förvånad över att ha fått:
- Jag skakar nästan. Jag är så glad över den här filmen och känner mig mycket mer upphetsad över denna roll än vanligt, säger stjärnan.
Umgås privat
För att förbereda sig för rollen tar Kristen Stewart inte bara gitarrlektioner, utan har även fått chansen att umgås med Joan Jett själv. Bland annat spenderade skådespelerskan och rockstjärnan nyårsafton tillsammans.
"The Runaways", som handlar om 70-talsbandet med samma namn, börjar spelas in i slutet av året, med Joan Jett själv som producent.
"New Moon" har USA-premiär den 20 november.
Videointervjuer med Kellan
Alice's gula porsche kommer vara med i New Moon!
Good news for Twi-hards; judging by the tips "Twilight" stars Ashley Greene and Kellen Lutz shared with Access Hollywood about "New Moon" on Thursday night, it sounds like the second installment in the series will remain faithful to Stephenie Meyer's book.
"I can tell you there's a yellow Porsche," Greene revealed at the premiere of Dakota Fanning's "Push," confirming that the vehicle, which plays a special role in the "New Moon" book, will be in the movie.
"I can tell you there's werewolves," she added coyly. "I think (the details of ‘New Moon' script are) kind of highly under wraps."
Rob i "Ohio", tillsammans Zac Efron och Justin Timberlake?
Rumor has it the three heartthrobs will be cast members in the upcoming movie Ohio, which is based on the 1970 murders of anti-Vietnam War protesters at Kent State University.
A little dark, no? The only one of those three we could definitely see in the movie is Rob Pattinson, thanks to Twilight. And maybe that's what the casting director thought too. Because word on the street is that Rob's been asked to play the lead role. Justin and Zac, who are definitely the bigger stars in the grand scheme of things, would play second fiddle to Rob.
An insider reports to Star magazine, "Everyone in the industry is shocked that Rob is already getting such big roles. Zac and Justin have been working for a lot longer than he has. There is a bit of jealousy there. Zac's people want him to have the lead. And Justin's people have asked that he get a lot of screen time."
So it's not just the actresses who get into catfights! Rob may have been around the block as many times as Zac, and certainly JT, but he definitely is the best actor of the three. Sometimes it's not about the name either! There's something about having a lesser-known actor playing a lead role sometimes that makes the movie more exciting and less predictable. We'll just have to wait and see if Rob takes the lead, and if JT and Zac can put their pride aside to take the smaller roles for the sake of making a god movie!
Collider intervjuer med Ashley, Kellan, Edi och Rachelle.
Det vill inte fungera att lägga in videosarna, så titta här.
Kristen pratar Joan Jett
Photoshoot - Jacksone Rathbone

Glöm inte frågorna i detta inlägget!
Empire shoot
Cinematical.com: Robert Pattinson som Salvador Dali
"Back in October of 2007, when Robert Pattinson signed on to play Salvador Dali in Little Ashes, he was merely Cedric Diggory, the slain cutey from the Potter series. Now he's the vampire hottie of Twilight, and is gearing up to make all the young vamp lovers squee. But he's also going to show us a saucy side of Dali next year, and to the right you can get a glimpse of what that will be like, courtesy of EW. (And more over at MTV.)
Little Ashes focuses on the relationship between Dali and the Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca. Dali swore that Lorca's lust for him never became physical, but screenwriter Philippa Goslett's take on the relationship is much steamier, insisting that they did consummate the relationship in some way.
There has got to be something in the water over at Hogwarts, or something in the air on the sets of darker teen fare. Rather than sticking with fluffy musicals or succumbing to celebrity, these guys are branching out and really challenging themselves. That's refreshing to see.
But back to Mr. Salvador: Do you buy Pattinson as Dali?"

Rösta på bravo OTTO-awards
Frågor till er.
1. Uppdaterar jag för mycket? Nu blir det runt 5-7 inlägg/dag.. Är det jobbigt?
2. Ska jag skriva om allt som händer runt skådespelarna, även utanför Twilightvärlden? Eller bara om det som händer med skådespelarna runt Twilight?
Svara nu, så vet jag hur jag ska göra och hur ni vill att det ska vara. =)
Photoshoot - Cam Gigandet

Woah.. sorry för sjukt mycket bilder. Hade lite svårt att välja vilka jag skulle lägga upp så det blev nästan alla.. Men jag antar att ni inte tycker det är jobbigt? ;)
Peter Facinelli is really just a soccer-dad
If 'Twilight' actor Peter Facinelli had to choose between attending an exclusive premiere or staying at home with his wife Jennie Garth and their three daughters, he'd pick the latter.
"I am not a big, 'Look at me' person, so I don't go to a lot of premieres. I am more of a family guy who stays at home with my kids. I'm more known as being the soccer dad," Facinelli exclusively told Popeater.
Family life is important for both Facinelli and Garth, who met in 1995 while filming the TV movie 'An Unfinished Affair' and married in 2001. The couple has three daughters together: Luca Bella (11), Lola Ray (6) and Fiona Eve (2).
Hela artikeln + bilder här.

"New Moon's five most anticipated scenes"
ReelzChannel har frågat fem olika Twilight-fansidor vilka scener från boken de helst vill se i New Moon.
Läs artikeln här!
Robert Pattinson: I Love My...Knit Beanies!

At this point in the Twilight pandemonium, Robert Pattinson, 22, has millions of teen girls screaming at just the sight of him.
Therefore, the British actor has got to stay under wraps when in the public eye.
Robert usually maintains a lot of wild, crazy hair, so it’s only natural that he’d need a hat that’s flexible to keep his signature messy locks tucked under. (In this case of the above pics, it's probably the VOLCOM Volcott Men’s Beanie, which stretches to fit all sizes.)
In a recent interview with fan site Robert Pattinson Online, the actor was asked how long it takes to get his hair perfectly coiffed.
“It’s the funniest thing. I just wear a hat a lot," he says. "I have so much residue crap in my hair from years and years and years of not washing it and not having any sense of personal hygiene whatsoever.
"Even today, I go into these things where I’m supposed to be this sexy guy or whatever, and I’m literally asking [the studio rep] if I get plumes of dandruff on me, can you just brush it off.”
Ewwww! Thanks for sharing. Ironically, those confessions hardly do much to keep the girls away.
So what did Pattinson learn from not washing his hair for six weeks?
“That it starts to wash itself," Robert says. "If you don’t wash it for six weeks you won’t have to wash it ever again. Until it gets unbearable."
Rykten om roller
Just Jared Jr. och Twist Magazine har skrivit att Lucy Hale var på audition för rollen som Jane, innan de gav den till Dakota Fanning. Vilket verkar vara bekräftat då hon i flera intervjuer har sagt det.
Det har nu i några dagar snurrat runt rykten om olika killar som "ska vara bra" för rollen som Alec. De som finns med på den "listan" är Tom Felton (Harry Potter), Lucas Grabeel (HSM), Freddie Highmore (Willie Wonka) och Gaspard Ulliel (Hannibal Rising) Observera dock att det inte finns uppgifter på om några av dessa killar ens har tänkt eller pratat om det.
Och så rollen som Emily. Tidigare skrev celebuzz.com en artikel om att America Ferrera har provspelat som Emily. Efteråt skrev de såhär:
"UPDATE: An astute reader notes that the America referred to in the original article is actress America Young (Dreamkiller, The Dead Undead), not America Ferrera.
Whoops! But America Ferrera is still pretty great.."
Så det är alltså America Young som har provspelat för rollen som Emily, inte America Ferrera.
Lite Twilight nu också..
Om inte våran kära Robert Pattinson hade fått rollen som Edward skulle det varit Tyler Hoechlin som fått den.
"He was one of the final two being considered for the role of "Edward Cullen" in the film "Twilight", but lost out to Rob Pattinson."

Artikel om Rob i Little Ashes

In his next movie, Little Ashes, set in 1922 and described by Variety as an "arty Bohemian romp," the London-born actor, 22, plays Spanish surrealist painter (1904-1989) Salvador Dalí as a young man – in love with the poet Federico GarcÍa Lorca, played by Javier Beltran.
The two meet at university, with Lorca attracted to what the movie's production notes call Dalí's "bizarre blend of shyness and rampant exhibitionism." Hey, beats a bite in the neck.
Little Ashes opens in late March.
Kristen Stewart i "What Just Happened"
Facinelli is Pro-Fanning in New Moon
'Even though actor Peter Facinelli, who plays Dr. Carlisle Cullen in ‘Twilight,' admits he hasn't been keeping up with all the ‘New Moon' rumors, he is excited to hear that Dakota Fanning might be joining the cast as vampire Jane. "She is a phenomenal actress... [The role of Jane] would be great for her," Facinelli exclusively told PopEater.
"I always think of her as this 12-year-old girl, but she is older now. What is she like 16 now?" he joked.
Fanning, who turns 15 in February, is in talks to play bloodsucker Jane opposite Robert Pattinson in ‘New Moon.' The character of Jane is described in casting docs as a terrifying petite blond with a "Botticelli angel-like face... [and] crimson irises.
According to reports, there were no auditions and the part was just handed to Fanning. Facinelli believes she will make a great addition to the cast and bring something new to the movie. "I have been very fortunate to work with great people. The ['Twilight'] cast is really great. We are like a family," Facinelli said. "[During filming] I took on the father figure role, and they were all my kids. I love all of them," he added.'
Här finns det också fem nya bilder på honom!
Engelska inlägg.
Och du.. du får gärna säga vem du är nästa gång. Jag kan ta negativa kommentarer.
Taylor Lautner anticipates playing "cool" character in "New Moon"
Lautner plays Jacob Black, pal of heroine Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), in “Twilight.” In the second book, “New Moon,” Jacob begins turning into a werewolf. The transformation puts Bella between two loyalties: her boyfriend, Edward (Robert Pattinson) is a vampire, and vampires and werewolves are enemies.
Chris Weitz, who is directing the film version of “New Moon,” recently tapped Lautner for the sequel, after determining that the teen star would be convincing in the role. In “New Moon,” Jacob grows bigger and stronger as he transforms into a werewolf. Lautner has been bulking up for months in preparation to play Jacob in the sequel.
“Jacob’s character gets so cool. It is so more in-depth in the rest of the series. When he turns into a werewolf it is like he has two separate personalities. When he’s himself he’s this nice outgoing guy and when he goes werewolf on you he’s super intense and Bella’s just blown away like ‘what is with this freak now,’” Lautner said in the interview.
Lautner said he was unfamiliar with Stephenie Meyer’s mega-best-selling “Twilight” books until he tried out for the role.
“I had not even heard about ‘Twilight’ until I auditioned for it and then as soon as I was cast I was like, what am I getting myself into? I was blown away and so incredibly excited,” he said.
Lautner received a great deal of support from “Twilight” fans, which undoubtedly helped him keep the role. Now, the excitement continues for the young star - and the fans who love him as Jacob."
Kristen Stewart excited about New Moon
The actress says she can’t wait to reprise her role as Bella Swan in the sequel to hit vampire love story ‘Twilight’ but is stunned by how big the movie franchise has become.
She told MTV: “It’s such a machine now. All of a sudden, this movie has become something bigger.
“With all the expectations - usually, you make a movie and think, ‘If it touches people, great; if it doesn’t, then you move on to the next one, and no one’s personally affected by it.’ But everyone’s really sensitive with any changes right now.”
Following speculation that Taylor Lautner had been axed from his role as Jacob Black, the 18-year-old star said she was delighted he would be appearing in the sequel.
She added: “I’m so glad they didn’t have to find somebody else; we already had him.
“I didn’t understand all the deliberation on whether to bring him back. But now that it’s set, we can all rest.”"
Dakota Fanning pratar om New Moon-ryktet
Dakota Fanning pratar om att hon kanske kommer spela Jane i New Moon.
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Olika Twilight-test
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Information från twilightsweden där jag förresten har blivit länkad, tack för det! :D
Breakout Stars of 2009
Cam Gigandet
Some teen-TV fans may remember Cam as the guest character on The O.C. responsible for killing off Mischa Barton, but he’s going to be known for much more than Marissa-cide after this year. Cam has a whopping seven movies in production for 2009—and those are just the ones that have been officially announced. After his breakout role as a pale vampire in last fall’s Twilight, Cam will appear in Pandorum (a thriller about a spaceship with Dennis Quaid), Five Star Day (a coming of age story with Jena Malone), and Kid Cannabis (the true story of a 19-year-old millionaire pot dealer), among others.
Taylor Lautner
After originating the role of Jacob Black in the original crazy successful teen-vampires-stare-and-brood Twilight, there was talk Taylor Lautner wouldn’t be cast in the sequel. Fortunately, the director was convinced and Lautner is bulking up to play the older role in the follow-up New Moon, which will be rushed into theaters this November. Robert Pattinson, watch your back. Teen girls, get your screaming pipes ready.
Vill du läsa mer? Klicka här.
Vanity Fair - HQ
Chris Weitz pratar om New Moon
" The backdrop of the Twilight books might be a gothic fantasy, but the filmmaker sees his characters as expressions of emotional attitudes shared by young people. “One of the great things of Stephenie Meyer’s novels is that she keeps them very grounded in the real world,” Weitz says.
“The vampires are about distance and reserve,” he says about the contrast between his male leads. “Edward represses his desire to do harm. Jacob is very warm and emotional, but also feels the heat of anger. When he transforms, it’s like losing your temper — sudden, explosive and lightning-quick.”
Where Bella is concerned, he adds, “Edward represents the unattainable perfection of first love. Jacob is friendship.“
För att läsa hela artikeln klicka här.
J-14: Taylor Lautner
Reset! Magazine - intervju med Kellan
Nadine från KellanLutzOnline översatte den till engelska!
" I know a lot about Twilight series and the movie but there’s only a small amount of people in Turkey who have been able to read the series since they weren’t translated into Turkish until very recently. So can you talk a little about the movie? What was the reason that made you want to be a part of it?
To be honest, I have always dreamt of playing this kind of role. I grew up loving the idea of being a mysterious vampire, like you’d read in books. My brother snuck the classic Nosferatu into the house when we were young and I was immediately in awe of the creature. So when I was handed Twilight, I read through it, and immediately knew Emmett was perfect for me. I was even more surprised to find out that the book had such a cult following, this truly was meant to be."
För att läsa hela intervjun klicka här.
Empire Magazine
Med Robert, Kristen, Cam, Taylor och Rachelle! Tyvärr är de väldigt små.. Men klicka på dem så blir de större!

America Ferrera som Emily i New Moon?
"Add America Ferrera to the long list of actresses who are supposedly up for a role in the Twilight sequel New Moon.
Following in the footsteps of Vanessa Hudgens and Dakota Fanning, the 24-year-old Ugly Betty actress has reportedly auditioned for the movie. Ferrera tried out for the part of Emily Young, fiancée to Sam Uley and second cousin to Leah Clearwater.
“I got to audition for New Moon today! For the role of Emily,” Crazy Days and Nights quotes the outspoken actress and snappy dresser as saying. “The casting director, you fans of the book will be glad to know, has read the books and loves them. And you can tell. His direction was spot on for the character. I loved the books. I would so love to be in the movie!!!”
Seems like a perfectly reasonable match. After all, Ferrera has had experience interacting with monstrous characters before."

"Åtta saker som stör mig med Robert Pattinson"
"8) Nobody is this humble! This guy has to have an ego or he wouldn't even be able to leave the house in the morning. Personally, I know people who work the graveyard shift at the local gas station and think they're something special. Here's a guy in one of the hottest movies around and he refuses to talk himself up.
7) He doesn't have a girlfriend. He's 22 and he's not tied into a relationship. He doesn't have a ball or a chain he has to answer to at the end of a long day of filming. What nerve.
6) He's nice to fans. This guy is nice to his fans, a rare trait if ever there was one. I prefer surly, anti-social celebrities. They're easier to hate on.
5) He's had it too easy in Hollywood. Where's all the "paying of dues" actors need to go through in order to become this famous? Pattinson just walked into Tinsel Town one day and they handed him the keys to the place.
4) He doesn't get involved in unnecessary drama. He has no bitter custody case going on. He isn't under arrest for DUI. Compared to Shia LaBeouf this cat is unnatural.
3) Girls love him just a bit too much. RPattz is to girls what spinach was to Popeye. Women go crazy at the sight of Big Rob.
2) He's not going away any time soon. Right now Pattinson can do no wrong. Everybody wants him in their next movie so he can afford to be selective and choose whatever project he wants. We'll all have to deal with him for years!
1) His new haircut. He's supposed to have long vampire hair. Now he looks like a Young Republican. "
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Boka "Så länge vi båda andas", nya Twilightprylar på discshop.se
På bokus.com kan du nu boka "så länge vi båda andas"! Men på andra internetbutiker kan du bara förhandsboka.
På discshop.se finns det nu enormt mycket Twilightprylar. Gå in här och titta! Det finns bland annat t-shirts, affischer, pins, väskor, nyckelringar, ringar, armband och mycket mer.
Förhandsboka dvdn
Vill du förhandsboka Twilight? Det går nu att göra på cdon.se och discshop.se
Tack twilightsweden för information.
Bella and Edward

Kristen Stewart pratar om New Moon
Läs artikeln här.
RPattz har bara två par byxor!
Dakota Fanning som Jane i New Moon?
Artikel från E-online..
"Dakota Fanning...with fangs?
It's possible. I can exclusively report that the 14-year-old child star-she turns 15 on Feb. 23-is in talks to play Jane opposite Robert Pattinson & Co. in New Moon, the upcoming sequel to box office megahit Twilight.
"There were no auditions," a source reveals. "They just offered it to her outright, and now they're in negotiations. They've been going back and forth."
Jane is a member of Italy's Volturi, the most deadly group of bloodsucking killers in author Stephenie Meyer's' best-selling series.
In the casting notice we got our hands on earlier this month, Jane is described as a petite blonde with a "Botticelli angel-like face...[and] crimson irises." While fellow Volturi guards Demetri & Felix "are three times the size of her, they are terrified of her," the casting notice reads.
Coincidentally (or maybe not), an online petition started by a Twilight fan already asks the studio, Summit Entertainment, to cast Fanning because she would be "perfect" for the role.
Early last month, Entertainment Weekly suggested Pushing Daisies star and Broadway diva Kristin Chenoweth. "Her voice is certainly high enough, and at 4'11'', she's also short enough," writer Amy Wilkinson proposed.
Director Chris Weitz is expected to start shooting New Moon in March in the U.S. and Italy. If all goes as planned, the movie will hit theaters on Nov. 20.
Is Fanning right for Jane? We're sure Twilight fans have plenty to say about it."
Twilight - på dvd i sverige 29 april!
I USA kommer den ju som ni kanske vet ut på dvd redan 21 mars, men vi får vänta en månad till i sverige då det är dags för oss den 29 april. Lite trist att vänta så länge, men den som väntar på något gott väntar aldrig för länge! Right? ;)
Jacksone Rathbone
Bortsett från Twilight så är han mest känd för sin roll som Nicholas Fiske i serien "Beautiful People", han har också varit med några avsnitt i "OC", "Close To Home", "The War At Home" och några andra serier och filmer. Nu under 2009 kan vi se honom i fyra filmer; "DaZe: Vol. Too (sic)," "S. Darko", "Dread" och New Moon.
Kellan Lutz
Kellan Lutz är den 23-åriga skådespelaren som spelar Emmett Cullen. När han var 13 började han modella, men efter high school flyttade han till LA för college och för att påbörja skådespeleri.
Förutom Twilight så har Kellan haft gästroller i några tvserier som "CSI", "Six Feet Under", "Summerland", "Heroes" och så har han rollen som George Evans i en av mina favoritserier "90210". Han har också varit med i "Prom Night" och just nu spelar han in "Warrior" med Ashley Green, ett avsnitt i "CSI" och snart börjar inspelningen av New Moon.
Ashley Greene
Ashley föddes den 21 februari 1987 i Jacksonville, florida. Först ville hon bli modell, men hon var för kort för catwalken. Hon tog skådespelarlektioner och efter det insåg hon att skådespeleri var roligare. Det stora genombrottet kom med Twilight, men innan det har hon gästat "Punk´D", Crossing Jordan" och varit med i "King of California", "Shark" och "Otis"
Senare i år kommer vi se henne i "Summer", "Skateland" och New Moon. Nu spelar hon också in "Warrior" tillsammans med Kellan Lutz som spelar Emmet Cullen.

Nikki Reed
Förutom "tretton" har hon varit med i bland annat "Lords of Dogtown", "the OC", "Justice" och "Reaper".
2008 spelade hon in tre filmer som nu håller på att "efterbehandlas"; "Chain Letter", "Privileged" och "Last Day of Summer"
I mars börjar inspelningen till New Moon som hon också ska vara med i!

Peter Facinelli
Även han kommer vara med i New Moon!

Cam Gigandet
Förutom Twilight är han känd för sin roll i the OC som surfaren Kevin Volchock, som ett tag är tillsammans med Marissa. Han har även gästspelat i serier som "CSI", "Jack & Bobby", "the Young and the Restless" och så är han med i filmen "Never Back Down"

Taylor Lautner
Snygga Taylor Lautner är killen som spelar Jacob Black. Han föddes den 11 februari 1992. Den första filmen han var med i spelades in när han var elva; Shadow Fury. Sedan dess har han varit med i några olika serier och filmer. Bland annat har Taylor varit med i "Cheaper By the Dosen 2", "The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D" och i höstas började en serie i USA som Taylor är med i, "My Own Worst Enemy". I framtiden kommer vi få se honom i New Moon.
Kristen Stewart
Hon är uppvuxen i Los Angeles med sin pappa som är televisionsproducent, sin mamma som skriver manus och sin storebror Cameron. I framtiden kommer vi se henne i uppföljarna till Twilight; New Moon och Eclipse. Även "Welcome To the Rileys" nu under 2009.

Robert Pattinson
Förutom skådespeleriet tycker Rob om att sjunga och tänkte först satsa på musiken, innan skådespelarkarriären kom igång. Två av hans låtar är med i Twilight; Never Think och Let Me Sign. Han spelar piano och gitarr och hans låtar är fantastiska.
Han har även varit modell.


Det andra är att det preliminära releasedatumet för när New Moon ska upp på bio är den 20 November i USA. Nordisk Film ska försöka fixa så att det blir samma i Sverige.
Och den sista lilla nyheten just nu som rör oss i sverige är att det kommer vara mycket Twilight i FRIDA framöver. I numret som kommer på torsdag kommer det vara en affisch på Robert + en liten artikel om honom och lite om Kristen.
(All info från twilightsweden)
Twilight - basic
"Isabella Swan flyttar till Forks, en liten regning sovstad i Washington. Hon förväntar sig att hennes nya liv ska bli lika långtråkigt som staden själv. Men när hon träffar Edward Cullen - gåtfull och oemotståndlig - tar hennes liv en oväntad och farlig vändning.
Edward har länge lyckats hålla sin identitet som vampyr hemlig. Men nu går ingen säker, minst av allt Bella som är den person Edward älskar mer än någon annan. Edward och Bellas förhållande balanserar på knivseggen mellan begär och livsfara." - baksidan.
Bella Swan - Kristen Stewart
Edward Cullen - Robert Pattinson
Carlisle Cullen - Peter Facinelli
Esme Cullen - Elizabeth Reaser
Emmett Cullen - Kellan Lutz
Rosalie Hale - Nikki Reed
Jasper Hale - Jackson Rathbone
Alice Cullen - Ashley Greene
Charlie Swan - Billy Burke
Jacob Black - Taylor Lautner
Billy Black - Gil Birmingham
Sam Uley - Solomon Trimble
Angela Weber - Christian Serratos
Mike Newton - Michael Welch
Jessica Stanley - Anna Kendrick
Tyler Crowley - Gregory Tyree Boyce
Eric Yorkie - Justin Chon
Reene - Sarah Clarke
Phil - Matt Bushell
Victoria - Rachelle Lefevre
Laurent - Edi Gathegi
James - Cam Gigandet
The Cullen family
Jasper Alice Emmet Rosalie Edward
Designen är klar!
Det är Paula som skriver. Det är jag som har gjort den nya designen, whoho. Hoppas ni gillar den. Det är ju Angelica som driver den här bloggen men jag tänkte bara skriva ett litet inlägg haha.
Ha det så bra allihopa!
(Anchi som skriver)
Jag blev supernöjd med den fina designen! Tack så jätemycket Paula!
Glöm inte att titta in i hennes blogg också ;)