Kristen om New Moon, Dakota Fanning och Taylor Lautner - SPOILERVARNING!
Först måste jag varna för spoilers i denna artikeln, för dig som inte har läst New Moon och inte vill veta vad som händer.
Ännu en artikel från pressfesten för 'Adventureland', denna gången från LA-times - Dish Rag.
"A lot more introduced, like the world of the werewolves is coming alive. The second movie is much more quaint. Edward [Robert Pattinson] leaves her, which is interesting, considering since the first movie is based on their devotion to each other."
"So to see them cope without each other and to see this character Jacob, who is supposed to represent light and warmth and he pulls her out of a rut that's like seemingly impossible -- it's really tragic. Like, I can't wait to see Taylor's [Lautner] face when I tell him, 'It's him, it's always been him," she says with an audible shiver.
Hela här!
En till artikel från samma tillfälle och samma tidning, där hon berättar vad hon tycker om Dakota Fanning.
"Yeah. I mean, yes, absolutely. She's like ... you know, I've always loved what she's done and she's very ... like controlled and poised ... ummm and then like in terms of her actual work that she makes, it's like always so different and she's gonna rock this. ... Talk about a bandit, she's going to have to lose herself in this because it's really like -- it's pretty heavy."
Återkommer med mer uppdateringar ikväll, nu ska jag kolla på Twilight för hundrade gången!