New Moon-inspelningen
Jag har verkligen haft fullspäckat schema sen i fredags morse, men nu kommer det en hel del nytt om inspelningen av New Moon!
Från Lainey Gossip
Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart were in Tofino, British Columbia yesterday - where Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds were married but not at that resort - shooting around South Beach and the Wickaninnish Inn. More of that is happening today. Rachelle Lefevre is said to be around too. Cliff diving, near drowning, and rescue...or something. Am sure you twi-hards know exactly. Please, you don't need to tell me.
Here's Taylor getting to know his surroundings. Is he growing? Or is that just me projecting?
Taylor deserves some squeals too. Am told he was glimpsed with his shirt off at one point. Ripped.

Threatening skies, angry waves, pelting rain and howling winds drew cast and crew members of a popular movie saga about teenagers, vampires and love to this West Coast tourist mecca this week.
Filming of the Twilight Saga's next movie, New Moon, wrapped up Friday evening after one full day of shooting inside Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, and participants had nothing but good things to say about the bad weather.
"The weather is perfect for us: rainy, dismal, in the sense of the visuals, the mist on the ocean, the cloudiness, the erratic wind activity," said Bill Bannerman, New Moon's co-producer. "Everything is exactly what it should be."

Sidorna som jag får all information om just inspelningen ifrån fungerar inte nu + att jag måste sova innan mitt huvud sprängs, men imorgon.. Då lovar jag att jag ska uppdatera mer.
Puss och godnatt!
Från Lainey Gossip
Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart were in Tofino, British Columbia yesterday - where Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds were married but not at that resort - shooting around South Beach and the Wickaninnish Inn. More of that is happening today. Rachelle Lefevre is said to be around too. Cliff diving, near drowning, and rescue...or something. Am sure you twi-hards know exactly. Please, you don't need to tell me.
Here's Taylor getting to know his surroundings. Is he growing? Or is that just me projecting?
Taylor deserves some squeals too. Am told he was glimpsed with his shirt off at one point. Ripped.

Threatening skies, angry waves, pelting rain and howling winds drew cast and crew members of a popular movie saga about teenagers, vampires and love to this West Coast tourist mecca this week.
Filming of the Twilight Saga's next movie, New Moon, wrapped up Friday evening after one full day of shooting inside Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, and participants had nothing but good things to say about the bad weather.
"The weather is perfect for us: rainy, dismal, in the sense of the visuals, the mist on the ocean, the cloudiness, the erratic wind activity," said Bill Bannerman, New Moon's co-producer. "Everything is exactly what it should be."

Sidorna som jag får all information om just inspelningen ifrån fungerar inte nu + att jag måste sova innan mitt huvud sprängs, men imorgon.. Då lovar jag att jag ska uppdatera mer.
Puss och godnatt!